How to Rewrite an Article Without Changing Its Intent?

When rewriting an article, some people can lose touch with the intent of the content that they are working on. This can happen when the changes made to the text are extensive and haphazard.

In this post, we’ll be going over some steps and tips that you can follow to rewrite an article without departing from its original context. This will help to make sure that the material you rewrite conveys the same meaning as the original.

How Can You Rewrite an Article Without Losing the Context?

There are basically two ways to rewrite an article. You can either do it manually, or you can do it by using an article rewriter. Since both methods are popular, we’ll look at each of them one by one.

1. Rewriting Without Changing the Intent with Manual Paraphrasing

If you want to paraphrase a piece of content manually, there are a couple of different steps and tips that you can follow to make sure that you don’t change the intent. We’re going to list them hereunder:

Read and Re-Read the Article

To begin with, you should always read and re-read the article that you want to rewrite. This will help you understand what it actually is about. After properly understanding it, you will be able to correct yourself if the intent starts to change during the rewriting process.

Affect the Changes Properly

Then, after properly reading it, you should start making the changes in those areas that don’t play a pivotal role in explaining the main concept or idea. For example, if there are any idioms or metaphors in the content, you should not change them at all because the meaning will get altered.

Here, let us explain this using an example. Suppose this is a sentence that you want to rewrite: (You won't really find such a sentence in an article but we're trying to make a point here.)

"He broke my heart since he only visited me once in a blue moon.”

Now, in this sentence, the word ‘broke’ is a metaphor whereas the phrase ‘once in a blue moon’ is an idiom. If you were to change these parts, the meaning would get completely lost…like this:

"He fractured my heart since he only visited me one time inside a cerulean natural satellite.”

As you can see, it does not make any sense. Actually, funnily enough, it does make a weird sense but in a completely different way than the original.

But, if you were to skip the metaphor and the idiom, and change the other words, you would get something like this:

“He broke my heart because he only came to me once in a blue moon.”

This time, the sentence is changed…but the meaning’s the same.

Check and Proofread

This is also an important step that you should take when rewriting an article, especially if the content you are working on is long and lengthy.

If the article happens to be lengthy, then there is a small chance that you may have made some changes following a different idea at first, and then you may have shifted to a different idea towards the end.

Assuming that there is any such discrepancy in your article, you can find and fix it during the checking phase.

2. Using an Article Rewriter

Apart from the manual method, the other way to rewrite an article is to use an article rewriter tool. In all fairness, the trouble with changing or losing the intent can occur more often and commonly if you are using a tool rather than when you are doing it manually.

Nevertheless, even if you happen to be using a tool, there are some steps and tips that you can abide by in order to make sure that the intent is not changed. If used properly AI paraphrasing tool be very beneficial for expressing idea of content in different ways.

Make Sure to Pick a Good Tool

A lot of times, the trouble starts when you choose the wrong tool to rewrite your article. To avoid messing things up right from the start, you should take care to pick a tool that works intelligently and is used by a lot of people online.

You can just do a quick search on the internet and find blog posts that discuss the top and best article rewriting tools etc. In these types of posts (provided that they are not sponsored), you can find some good suggestions for which tools to use.

And, once you do select a tool, you should give it a couple of test runs to see whether or not it is worth using.

Selecting the Right Mode

In many article rewriter tools, there are multiple modes that users can pick from before starting the process. These modes usually work differently and they are used for different purposes.

For example, in some tools, you will find a basic mode with the name “Simple” or “Standard”. This type of mode makes a small number of changes to the text such as changing some words with their synonyms.

So, if the tool you happen to be using comes with such modes, be sure to pick the one that does not change the intent of the entered content when rewriting it.

3. Check and Proofread

Just as this step is important in the manual method, the same goes when you’re using an article rewriter. There are always chances that the tool may have made some sort of contextual errors, and proofreading the content can help you spot them.


The art of rewriting is to change a piece of content in such a way that it looks and appears different, but it has the same meaning and context as the original. If the meaning changes, then it won’t be called ‘article rewriting’ anymore. AI tool can be very handy, as AI tools can make content more engaging.

In this post, we looked at some tips and steps that you can follow when rewriting manually and when using a tool to make sure that the meaning of the text is not lost.